
Connected Blogging

Information, top tips, product referrals, links to experts and recommendations on what we find useful under the following topics:

  • Business and Professional Growth

    To be the best of ourselves in the ever-growing and ever-changing world; it is imparative we grow with it.

    Find out more on Tirzah Elese Leadership Consultancy and how it can impact your business growth

    Grow with us and add your learning with us.

  • Menopause Wellness

    Healthy, Wealthy and Connected 45+

    Perimenopause, Menoposause and post Menopause information, facts, myth-busters, recommended products and personal experiences outlined.

    Real women, real stories, real challenges, real issues and real strategies.

  • Connected Learning - U_Study

    A new Approach to Education.
    Challenging norms, defying tradition and offering alternative ways of learning for an every-changing world.

    Why are teachers only teaching what they know when knowledge needed isn't even known yet?

    See how weCreate is changing the paradigm.

  • Connected Co-Working - U_Work

    The benefits of Co-Working and the power of Community - enabling us to Thrive and Grow.

    What are the main benefits of co-working, how it supports a digital-nomad lifestyle and best products for supporting your flexible working lifestyle.