Embracing the Journey: Navigating Menopause with Self-Care and Self-Fullness

Where I am at:

As I sit at my desk today, the weight of menopause is pressing down on me. Hot flushes, brain fog, and fatigue are hitting me harder than I ever imagined. The usual strength and tirelessness that I once prided myself on seem to be fading, and it’s taking a toll on my self-esteem and self-worth.

But as I reflect on these feelings, I remind myself: this isn’t a sign of me becoming less; it’s simply a part of life’s natural process. Menopause is not something I can avoid or sidestep; I have to face it head-on, just like the beloved children’s story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.” There’s no way over, under, or around it—I have to go through it.

The Wake-Up Call: Listening to My Body

For too long, I’ve been running at full speed, juggling the demands of running a business, traveling more than any woman should, and sacrificing my own well-being in the process. I haven’t taken the time to eat properly, exercise, or rest as I should. Now, my body is screaming at me to stop, to finally take care of myself.

This is a hard truth to swallow, especially for someone who has always put others first. Growing up, my religious upbringing drilled into me the idea that joy comes from putting “Jesus, Others, and You” in that order. It’s an admirable sentiment, but I’ve learned that it’s not sustainable. If I don’t take care of myself first, I can’t take care of anyone else.

Redefining Selfishness: Becoming Self-Full

Today, I’ve learned something wonderful: being “selfish” is not wrong. In fact, it’s essential. I like to think of it as being “Self-Full.” If I’m not full, how can I overflow onto others? How can I give you the best of me if I’m running on empty?

By focusing on filling myself up every day, I ensure that I have enough to give to others. This shift in perspective is not just about survival—it’s about thriving. I’m committed to becoming the SHE-EO of my life and my business, leading with a full cup, so that I can truly overflow onto others.

The Impact on my Self-esteem and Self-Worth:

I read these articles and they resonated with me, I thought I would share them directly:

Menopause, particularly the perimenopausal stage, can significantly affect a woman's emotional well-being and confidence, especially in the business world. The fluctuating hormones during this time can lead to symptoms like brain fog, anxiety, mood swings, and fatigue. These symptoms don't just affect physical health—they also deeply impact self-esteem and workplace performance. Many women report feeling less capable, with some even passing up promotions or reducing their work hours due to these challenges.

Research has shown that nearly 99% of women experiencing perimenopause or menopause report negative impacts on their careers. This is often due to the combined effects of emotional symptoms, such as low mood and anxiety, which can erode self-confidence, and physical symptoms, such as hot flushes and insomnia, that affect daily functioning​

(Medicine in Motion News)

(balance menopause)

Moreover, societal pressures and the feeling of "midlife invisibility" can exacerbate these issues, making women feel less seen and valued in both their personal and professional lives. This can be particularly challenging for women in business who are used to operating at high levels of efficiency and confidence.

To combat these challenges, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and embrace being "self-full" rather than self-sacrificing. Engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a nutritious diet, and adopting mindfulness practices can significantly improve mood and boost self-esteem during this period​. Additionally surrounding yourself with other women going through similar things and supporting one another in knowing you are not alone, that what you are feeling is transient and that you are enough and strong and powerful. This strategies cannot be lessened in importance to the others.


Additionally, seeking medical support, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), can help manage symptoms more effectively, allowing women to maintain their productivity and confidence in the workplace​

(balance menopause)

By addressing these aspects proactively, we can continue to thrive in their personal and professional lives, even as they navigate the complexities of menopause.

A Community of Strong Women:

I got to thinking… the physical stuff is going to be there. The Self -Care and Self- Love must be implimented by me… and I COMMIT TO THAT - Yet what is something that I can do that will bring me Joy and Strength, that I believe will make such a difference? OTHER WOMEN!!

I believe that having a group of strong, powerful women by my side during menopause will be transformative. This kind of support network can provide invaluable advice, share tips from their own experiences, and offer the kind of emotional support that only those who truly understand can provide. I asked Chatgpt for some evidence on my thinking. Here is what I got

Here's how this can make a difference:

1. Shared Experiences and Wisdom

  • Empathy and Understanding: When you're surrounded by women who have gone through or are going through the same experiences, it can alleviate feelings of isolation. They understand the unique challenges of menopause, from the physical symptoms to the emotional rollercoaster, and can offer advice that resonates.

  • Practical Tips: Whether it's the best ways to manage hot flushes during meetings or how to stay focused despite brain fog, a community of women can share practical, tried-and-tested strategies that might not be found in textbooks or online articles.

2. Emotional Support and Encouragement

  • Boosting Confidence: Perimenopause and menopause can take a toll on self-esteem, but being uplifted by a group of peers can be incredibly empowering. Their encouragement can help rebuild your confidence, reminding you of your strengths and capabilities.

  • Reducing Stress and Anxiety: Knowing that you have a group of friends who are there for you can reduce stress and anxiety. Simply talking through your concerns with someone who understands can be a huge relief.

3. Networking and Collaboration

  • Professional Support: For women in business, having a network of like-minded peers can also provide professional support. Whether it’s sharing business tips or offering referrals, this group can help maintain and even boost your professional life during a time when you might feel less sure of yourself.

  • Mentorship and Guidance: Older or more experienced women in the group can act as mentors, guiding you through the challenges of menopause with the wisdom they've gained over the years.

4. Friendship and Solidarity

  • Building Bonds: The friendships formed in these groups often go beyond just sharing tips; they become sources of deep connection and solidarity. This sense of belonging can be incredibly grounding during a time of significant change.

  • Collective Empowerment: Being part of a collective of strong women fosters a sense of empowerment. Knowing you are not alone, and that others have successfully navigated this stage of life, can be incredibly motivating.

I agree with all this … DO YOU??

My Plan to Make this Happen - NOT JUST FOR MENOPAUSE either:

Having this network means you don’t have to go through menopause alone. It’s about lifting each other up, sharing wisdom, and reminding one another that you’re not just enduring—you’re thriving.

So for this aim I created SHE EXCLUSIVE!

She Exclusive is a dynamic community of professional women committed to growth, support, and empowerment. Our members engage in skill swaps during business lunches, sharing their expertise to uplift one another. Beyond networking, we provide mentorship, coaching, and deep friendships. We honor the natural cycles of our bodies, offering specialized support to understand and navigate menopause and enhance well-being, allowing us to thrive in both life and business.

Our events, are designed to make you feel like the queen you are. Held in chic, sophisticated venues, foster collaboration and connection, while our inspiring podcasts, with you as the guest speaker, deliver valuable tips for business and wellness.

So to meet this aim, I have set up a SHE EXCLUSIVE Community - YOU CAN BECOME A MEMBER and RECIEVE:

  • Weekly online Networking conversations: Real Women, Real Talk, Real Issues, Real Solutions

  • Newsletters discussing real issues and offering tips, products and support

  • Online courses by experts in our Community

  • Mentoring and Coaching - on business and wellness

  • A Chat room, to raise issues and get feedback from our Community - whenever they arise

    Check out the Community and Sign up today
    She Exclusive | U Connect Hub

My Commitment to Self-Care and Success

I’m making a promise to myself today to prioritize my well-being. Here’s how I’m going to do it:

  1. Early Morning Affirmations and Meditation: Each day will start with positive affirmations and a moment of calm to set the tone for the day. Meditation will help me center myself and approach the day with clarity.

  2. Regular Exercise: I’ll make time for movement, whether it’s a walk, yoga, or a full workout. Exercise is not just about physical health; it’s a powerful tool for mental clarity and emotional stability.

  3. Good Food and Nutritious Liquids: My body deserves the best fuel. I’ll focus on nourishing meals and staying hydrated throughout the day, giving my body the strength it needs to support me.

  4. Focused Work Time: I’ll dedicate time each day to focus on tasks that will help me live the life I want. This is about setting boundaries and being intentional with my time.

  5. Overflowing to Others: Once I’m full, I’ll turn my attention to others—whether it’s in my business, with family, or in my community. But it starts with me.

  6. Building my SHE EXCLUSIVE Community: Cause I need it and I believe you will benefit from it too. Let’s Support one another.

The Path Forward: Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Menopause is a journey, and while it may feel overwhelming, it’s also an opportunity to re-evaluate and re-align with what truly matters. By focusing on self-care and embracing the concept of being Self-Full, I’m not just surviving menopause—I’m setting myself up to thrive.

For anyone else navigating this path, I encourage you to take a moment and listen to what your body is telling you. It’s okay to prioritize yourself. In fact, it’s necessary. Let’s fill our cups first, so we can truly overflow onto others.

Check out this Podcast where I speak to an Expert on these topics:

"Perimenopause Unpacked: Essential Tips, Myths, and Must-Know Advice for Every Woman"


Check out Suzanne Laurie’s Website and Information. Its invaluable!

motherflushingmidlife | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Let’s commit to being the SHE-EOs of our lives, leading with strength, grace, and a full cup.


A Little about Tirzah Elese